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A Shared Vision: HSM President reflects on 2022 and asks what you want to see in 2023

A Shared Vision: HSM President reflects on 2022 and asks what you want to see in 2023


It's become somewhat of a tradition, each Jan we reflect on the calendar year that just passed and are humbled by the amount of support that we get from our loyal customer base. I reach out with a blanket thank you to everyone and as a token of my appreciation I vow to do more, and to get better overall as an organization.  We take a lot of pride in saving you money on the sport we all love, and in turn we get a lot of positive word of mouth, which is and always has been our primarily source of marketing.  We saw unprecedented support throughout the 2022 season, welcomed a ton of new people while our return customers stayed as strong as you always have, so thank you very much for your support! 

Now, this is far and away the most excited I have ever been to start a year, 2023 is going to be a lot of fun! We have a new storefront, are building a new warehouse, have a growing passionate staff, and implementing new technology that will help us serve our customers and pro teams much better. Best of all my younger brother Nick is overseeing all of that, so that I can refocus on what I do best, SOURCE STICKS AND GEAR: 
  • 175 TEAMS - We expect to work with over 175 College, JR, and Pro teams with the most comprehensive buy back program available.  Equipment budgets have risen exponentially in the past decade and a solid buy back partner is now essential for all hockey operations.  We buy all their new and used sticks, gear, and apparel. We even purchase broken sticks, to my knowledge there is no other company that offers a true one stop shop without any cherry picking at all.  For our customer, you will benefit from the greatest selection of pro stock sticks and gear on the planet, while paying less than your average store prices! 

  • NHL STICKS AND GEAR - Thanks to you guys we are now big enough to properly offer our program to NHL programs and we expect that many more teams will take advantage of our services. 

  • 30+ PRO BLACKOUT CURVES - Lots of you of you know the curve you like and can no longer find it.  Some want to try custom curves similar to the games best players, but can't bend a 100 flex.  We understand, in partnership with prostockhockeysticks our Pro Blackout Extra Lite lineup is going STOCK over 30 different curves in various hand, flex and sizes.  If it seems crazy its because it is, but you keep buying them all, so let's keep this thing Rollin! 

  • HSM APPAREL LINE AND CHARITY -  We are working with a very popular hockey lifestyle brand to bring in HSM Apparel where every purchase will go towards donating hockey sticks to youth programs.  We really want to give back to the game, and focus on the areas that need it the most.  I've already ordered a bunch of sticks, but I'd like feedback on how to best do this? 

  • PURCHASING CLOSEOUTS - Closeouts are a great place to find value for our customers.  In some cases we have been able to find sticks and gear that will sell for less than anywhere else, it has proven to be a win win for all of us, so I will keep hunting for them. 

    But, in breaking traditions I don't want to simply list how we plan to be better...…..I want to hear your ideas, how we can grow together with a shared vision of what to make of HockeyStickMan in years to come (you will be rewarded for your time) 



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