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Belleville Senators Hockey Club help raise $154,000 in the community

Belleville Senators Hockey Club help raise $154,000 in the community

Not only is our warehouse located in Belleville, ON, but the Walsh Family also grew up playing hockey there.  We were very disappointed to lose the Bulls and OHL Hockey and then very excited to get an AHL team.  

For a small town to have this level of hockey is incredible, but not just for the fan who wants to watch excellent hockey. In 2019-20 the club also raised $154,000 for community charity.  That's a heck of a lot of an impact for a new business in a small town. So credit where credit is due. For those of you in the local area, get out and support your team.....whenever it is that we can do so again! 

Details below: 

Belleville Senators Community Impact

The Belleville Senators have been committed to being a leader in our community since our inaugural season in 2017. That vision has continued to motivate us to truly make a difference where we live.

With a particular focus on health and wellness, education and youth, we are proud to share our community initiatives during the 2019-20 season.

We are excited to share that the Belleville Senators organization helped to donate a total of $154,000 throughout the 2019-20 season.

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Report Highlights

GROW LIKE THE PROS: Three different events impacting 90 youth in sports.

GAY LEA BREAKFAST PROGRAMS: 2 programs served over 400 students breakfast

HOSPITAL VISITS: 2 hospitals and over 320 patients visited

FIRST SHIFT PROGRAMS: 2 events impacting over 60 youth in sports. Holiday Parades: 4 parades attended, with 2000 holiday cards distributed

COACHES CLINICS: 5 coaches clinics held, with 125 coaches attending

SCHOOLS VISITED: 13 schools throughout the Bay of Quinte, 2600 students participated

SENS FRIENDS ATTENDEES: 100 at risk youth were able to attend games and meet a player

CORPORATE PARTNER TICKET DONATIONS: 1700 Tickets donated. Tickets or Merchandise were donated to 77 local fundraising initiatives to help raise funds in excess of $35,000


50/50 FUNDS DONATED: $100,000

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