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How to Take Care of Your Hockey Skates: Tips and Tricks

How to Take Care of Your Hockey Skates: Tips and Tricks

Hockey skates are a significant investment, often being the most expensive piece of equipment in your bag. Proper care and maintenance can extend the life of your skates, ensuring they perform at their best for as long as possible. Here are some essential tips to help you keep your skates in mint condition.

Loosen the Laces

When putting on or taking off your skates, always loosen the laces thoroughly. This simple step reduces strain on the stitching and composite materials of the boot. Avoid yanking on the skates to remove them, as this can cause unnecessary wear and tear. Never push down on the tendon guard to remove your skates. These aren't casual shoes like $50 Converse sneakers; take the time to handle them with care.

Remove the Insoles

While it may not seem crucial, removing the insoles after each use can significantly prolong the life of your skates. During a game or practice, your feet sweat, and the insoles absorb a lot of moisture. If left inside the skate, this moisture can seep into the holder, leading to rust and premature failure of the rivets. Taking the insoles out allows them to dry properly and keeps excess moisture away from critical components of your skates.

Dry Your Skate Blades

After each use, ensure you thoroughly dry your skate blades. If possible, remove the blades and place them in a blade pouch for added protection. Use a proper towel to dry off the blades and the holder, as any remaining moisture can drip onto the blade or other parts of the skate, causing damage over time.

Hang Your Skates Upside Down

A pro tip to further extend the life of your skates is to hang them upside down after use. This method, commonly seen in professional hockey locker rooms, allows moisture to drain away from the rivets and out of the top of the skate. This helps to protect the rivets and the overall boot, preventing moisture-related damage.

Don't Be Lazy with Your Skates

Proper skate maintenance may take a little extra time, but it's well worth the effort. By following these tips, you'll get the most out of your investment and keep your skates performing at their best. Remember, while we can set you up with the best deals, taking care of your gear is ultimately up to you.

By adopting these practices, you can enjoy better performance and longevity from your hockey skates, ensuring they remain a valuable asset in your game for many seasons to come.

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