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Morgan Rielly Stick Spec Check

Morgan Rielly Stick Spec Check

What Stick Does Morgan Rielly Use?

Now in his 12th season, Leafs stalwart Morgan Rielly is the longest serving member of the Maple Leafs, with nearly 850 games played. Since his selection at 5th overall at the 2012 Draft, Rielly has been a staple of the Maple Leafs blueline.

Mo's specs are fairly straightforward, though he does have some custom elements to his setup. This FT5 Pro has a custom blue graphic, typical 85 flex shaft, and a tactile grip finish over "R" shaft geometry. Standing at 6'1, Rielly is right at the cusp of where we typically start to see pros prefer extended length sticks, though here he uses a stock height stick.

Rielly's custom curve is based off of the popular P28 pattern, and has only slight changes made. The height of the blade is slightly taller, though not to full max height. Additionally, the toe curve is not as pronounced as a true P28, though overall this pattern is extremely similar to the stock variation.

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