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Multi-Team Pro Stock Hockey Equipment Sale

Multi-Team Pro Stock Hockey Equipment Sale

Toronto, ON: On Saturday August 28th hockey players and fans in Toronto will have the opportunity to check out an equipment sale unlike any other.  For the first time they will be able to view gear from a variety of different teams throughout the NHL, AHL, ECHL, CHL, and NCAA Hockey Clubs.  The sale will feature an outdoor sidewalk sale setup with clearance prices on a large variety of game used sticks, gloves, pants, and jerseys.  Players can use this as an opportunity to try something different, pickup unique colors to match their teams, or simply get top of the line gear for significantly less.   

“We operate an equipment buy-back program where we take all new and used extra gear from over 150 teams and make it available to our customers.  The goal is to help our partner clubs put money back into their equipment budget while also offering top of the line gear to online consumers throughout the year,” says Joey Walsh, Owner of HockeyStickMan. “With hockey being paused the past few months we have had a pile up of gear available and I think the sidewalk sale is an opportunity for players in the Toronto area to take advantage of,” explains Walsh. 

Details of the sale:


Saturday Aug 28, 2021 – 9am – 5pm at 5155 Spectrum Way, Mississauga, ON (by Toronto Airport) 

Sunday Aug 29th, 2021 – 9am - 5pm at 365 Maitland Dr, Belleville, ON

Covid Safety – The clearance sale will take place outdoors in the courtyard, customers are requested to wear a mask and observe social distancing.  The HockeyStickMan showroom will remain open with a limited number of customers available inside at a time.  Sanitizer will be made available.

About HockeyStickMan: HockeyStickMan has been a family owned and operated business since 2010.   Our mission is to provide amateur and recreational level players with top of the line products at unbeatable prices. This is achieved by offering new and used pro stock equipment, manufacturer direct products (Pro Blackout Hockey Sticks), and refurbished products.

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